Pre eklampsi dan Eklampsi

1. A toxic condition characterized by convulsions and possibly coma during or immediately after pregnancy.[Wordnet]
2. A fancied perception of flashes of light, a symptom of epilepsy; hence, epilepsy itself; convulsions.[Websters].
Sources: WordNet 3.0 Copyright © 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
"Eclampsia" is a common misspelling or typo for: eclipse, eclipsed, clamps, elapse, eclipses, elapses, eclampsias, eclipser.
Date "Eclampsia" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1776. (references)
Etymology:Eclampsia \Ec*lamp"si*a\, noun. [New Latin expression, from the Greek expression shining forth, from to shine forth; out to shine.]. (references)

Specialty Definition: Eclampsia

Domain Definition
Geology Eclampsia is a complication of pregnancy characterized by four conditions: elevated blood pressure, proteinuria (protein in the urine), edema (fluid buildup in the tissues) and seizure. (references)
Health Onset of convulsions or coma in a previously diagnosed pre-eclamptic patient. (references)
Wikipedic Eclampsia is a serious complication of pregnancy and is characterised by convulsions. Usually eclampsia occurs after the onset of pre-eclampsia though sometimes no pre-eclamptic symptoms are recognisable. (references)
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.

Specialty Expressions: Eclampsia

Expressions Domain Definition
Eclampsia parturientium Law ECLAMPSIA PARTURIENTIUM, med. jur. 1. The name of a disease accompanied by apoplectic convulsions, and which produces aberration of mind at childbirth. The word Eclampsia is of Greek origin - Significat splenaorem fulgorem effulgentiam, et emicationem quales ex ocuIis aliquando prodeunt. Metaphorice sumitur de emicatione flammae vitalis in pubertate et aetaeis vigore. Castelli, Lex. Medic. 2. An ordinary person, it is said, would scarcely observe it, and it requires the practiced and skilled eye of a physician to discover that the-patient is acting in total unconsciousness of the nature and effect of her acts. There can be but little doubt that many of the tragical cases of infanticide proceed from this cause. The criminal judge and lawyer cannot inquire with too much care into the symptoms of this disease, in order to discover the guilt of the mother, where it exists, and to ascertain her innocence, where it does not. See two well reported cases of this kind in the Boston Medical Journal, vol. 27, No. 10, p. 161. (references)
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.

Extended Definition: Eclampsia


Classification and external resources
ICD-10 O15.
ICD-9 642.6
ICD-O: Image =
DiseasesDB 4068
MedlinePlus 000899
eMedicine med/633 
Eclampsia is a serious complication of pregnancy and is characterised by convulsions. Usually eclampsia occurs after the onset of pre-eclampsia though sometimes no pre-eclamptic symptoms are recognisable. The convulsions may appear before, during or after labour, though cases of eclampsia after just 20 weeks of pregnancy have been recorded.


The pathogenesis of eclampsia is poorly understood.

Signs and symptoms

The majority of cases are heralded by pregnancy-induced hypertension and proteinuria but the only true sign of eclampsia is an eclamptic convulsion, of which there are four stages[citation needed]. Patients with edema and oliguria may develop renal failure or pulmonary edema.
Premonitory stage
this stage is usually missed unless constantly monitored, the woman rolls her eyes[citation needed] while her facial and hand muscles twitch slightly[citation needed].
Tonic stage
soon after the premonitory stage the twitching turns into clenching. Sometimes the woman may bite her tongue as she clenches her teeth, while the arms and legs go rigid. The respiratory muscles also spasm, causing the woman to stop breathing, leading to cyanosis. This stage continues for around 30 seconds.
Clonic stage
the spasm stops but the muscles start to jerk violently. Frothy, slightly bloodied[citation needed] saliva appears on the lips and can sometimes be inhaled. After around two minutes[citation needed] the convulsions stop, leading into a temporary unconscious stage.
Comatose stage
the woman falls deeply unconscious and need airway management to allow breathing and prevent hypoxia. This can last only a few minutes or may persist for hours.


Eclampsia is usually treated well in the majority of cases with just under one in 50 affected women[citation needed] and one in 14[citation needed] fetuses of affected women developing complications.


The treatment of eclampsia consists of preventing further convulsions, controling elevated blood pressure and delivering the fetus.
Prevention of convulsion is usually done using magnesium sulfate with a loading of Magnesium sulfate 20% solution, 4g IV over 5 minutes, followed by 1g of magnesium sulfate an hour.
The blood pressure may be controlled by hydralazine 5mg IV slowly every 5 minutes until blood pressure is lowered . In less well resourced healthcare settings hydralazine 12.5 mg IM every 2 can be given as needed.
Delivery should take place as soon as the woman’s condition has stabilized. Delaying delivery to increase fetal maturity is unsafe for both the woman and the fetus[citation needed], after delivery the woman's health will begin to improve. Delivery should occur regardless of the gestational age[citation needed].
In severe pre-eclampsia, delivery should occur within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms[citation needed]. In eclampsia, delivery should occur within 12 hours of the onset of convulsions[citation needed]. If vaginal delivery is not anticipated within 12 hours (for eclampsia) or 24 hours (for severe pre-eclampsia), deliver by caesarean section[citation needed].


  • Mayes, M., Sweet, B. R. & Tiran, D. (1997). Mayes' Midwifery - A Textbook for Midwives 12th Edition, pp. 533–545. Baillière Tindall. ISBN 0-7020-1757-4

Source: adapted by the editor from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; from the article "Eclampsia". Image Credit.

Topics by Level of Interest: Eclampsia

Topics sorted by level of Interest Level (1=low, 600=high)     Topics sorted Alphabetically Level (1=low, 600=high)
Eclampsia 9     Eclampsia 9
Source: the editor, created by/for EVE to gauge likely levels of human interest in linguistically triggered topics (compiled across various sources, such as Wikipedia and specialty expression glosses).
"eclampsia" is a common misspelling or typo for: eclipse, eclipsed, clamps, elapse, eclipses, elapses, eclampsias, eclipser.
Synonyms: eclampsia
Position Synonyms (sorted by strength)


toxemia, convulsion, convulsions, toxaemia, cramp, spasm, twitch.
Consider also: jerk, twinge, seizure, yank, epilepsy, outburst, paroxysm, tug, wrench, mirth, attack, cachinnation, tic.




toxemia of pregnancy, seizures of pregnancy, toxemic seizure, toxemic seizures, faint from fear.
Source: Eve, based on meta analysis. Top

Computed Synonyms: eclampsia





 Synonyms of synonym

 1   5.0091   eclampsia     convulsion     spasm, cramp, shock, jerk, twitch   
 2   2.0094   eclampsia     cramp     clamp, staple, spasm, hook, dog   
 3   2.0092   eclampsia     spasm     convulsion, cramp, fit, attack, paroxysm   
 4   2.0091   eclampsia     onrush     rush, assault, attack, onset, onslaught   
 5   2.0090   eclampsia     onomatopoeic     onomatopoetic, echoic, imitative, onrush, mimetic   
 6   2.0090   eclampsia     twitch     jerk, pull, tug, yank, hitch   
 7   1.2093   eclampsia     toxemia     toxaemia, blood poisoning, septicaemia, sepsis, blood toxemia   
 8   1.0189   eclampsia     endorsement     indorsement, backing, approval, approbation, sanction   
 9   1.0092   eclampsia     contest     dispute, competition, struggle, contention, fight   
 10   1.0091   eclampsia     delegation     deputation, delegacy, mission, commission, mandate   
 11   1.0091   eclampsia     movement     motion, action, move, trend, locomotion   
 12   1.0090   eclampsia     devolution     transfer, assignment, conveyance, assignation, alienation   
 13   1.0090   eclampsia     giro     giro account, clearing account, central bank, current account, balance with the central bank   
 14   1.0090   eclampsia     commitment     obligation, engagement, undertaking, bond, committal   
 15   1.0090   eclampsia     competition     contest, rivalry, race, match, tournament   
--------------------     18 synonyms ranked from 16 to 33 abridged     --------------------
Source: calculated by Eve using graph theory. "Intensity" is a score indicating the number of overlapping cliques where the word pair is found (an integer before the decimal); the first digit after the decimal is the number of overlapping terminal characters up to 9; the second characters is number of leading common characters up to 9; the last two digits measure the Levenshtein distance subtracted from 100. Top

Computed Synonyms via Expressions: eclampsia





 Synonyms of synonym

 1   13.0083   eclampsia     pregnancy complication         
 2   1.0088   eclampsia     money order     bond, investment in securities, security   
 3   1.0087   eclampsia     cystic fibrosis     mucoviscidosis, fibrocyst, cf   
 4   1.0086   eclampsia     faint from fear     convulsion   
Source: calculated by Eve using graph theory. "Intensity" is a score indicating the number of overlapping cliques where the word pair is found (an integer before the decimal); the first digit after the decimal is the number of overlapping terminal characters up to 9; the second characters is number of leading common characters up to 9; the last two digits measure the Levenshtein distance subtracted from 100. Top

Computed Expressions: eclampsia





 Synonyms of synonym

 1   5.9991   eclampsia of newborn     eclampsia neonatorum     eclampsia infantum, salaam tic   
 2   5.9991   eclampsia neonatorum     eclampsia of newborn     eclampsia infantum, nodding spasms   
 3   2.9993   eclampsia neonatorum     eclampsia infantum     eclampsia of newborn   
 4   2.9993   eclampsia infantum     eclampsia neonatorum     eclampsia of newborn, salaam tic   
 5   2.9990   eclampsia of newborn     eclampsia infantum     eclampsia neonatorum   
 6   2.9990   eclampsia infantum     eclampsia of newborn     eclampsia neonatorum, nodding spasms   
 7   1.3078   suffering from eclampsia     overhanging     overhang, beetle   
 8   1.1083   eclampsia neonatorum     salaam tic     salaam convulsions, infantile spasm   
 9   1.1083   eclampsia neonatorum     salaam convulsions     nodding spasms, salaam tic   
 10   1.1083   eclampsia neonatorum     infantile spasm     salaam tic, nodding spasms   
 11   1.0181   eclampsia of newborn     nodding spasms     salaam convulsions, infantile spasm   
 12   1.0181   eclampsia neonatorum     nodding spasms     salaam convulsions, infantile spasm   
 13   1.0083   eclampsia of newborn     salaam tic     salaam convulsions, infantile spasm   
 14   1.0083   eclampsia of newborn     salaam convulsions     nodding spasms, salaam tic   
 15   1.0079   suffering from eclampsia     voluminous     bulky, large   
--------------------     7 expressions ranked from 16 to 22 abridged     --------------------
Source: calculated by Eve using graph theory. "Intensity" is a score indicating the number of overlapping cliques where the word pair is found (an integer before the decimal); the first digit after the decimal is the number of overlapping terminal characters up to 9; the second characters is number of leading common characters up to 9; the last two digits measure the Levenshtein distance subtracted from 100. Top

Translations: Eclampsia

Language Translations (or nearest inflections or synonyms, in parentheses)
Al Arabiya الإرجاج تشنج (eclampsia), ارتعاج (eclampsia). Additional references: Al Arabiya, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, eclampsia. (volunteer & more translations)
Al Fus-Ha الإرجاج تشنج (eclampsia), ارتعاج (eclampsia). Additional references: Al Fus-Ha, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, eclampsia. (volunteer & more translations)
Albanian eklampsia (eclampsia), eklampsi (eclampsia). Additional references: Albanian, Turkey (Europe), eclampsia. (volunteer & more translations)
Arabic الإرجاج تشنج (eclampsia), ارتعاج (eclampsia). Additional references: Arabic, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, eclampsia. (volunteer & more translations)
Arnaut eklampsia (eclampsia), eklampsi (eclampsia). Additional references: Arnaut, Turkey (Europe), eclampsia. (volunteer & more translations)
Balgarski еклампсия (eclampsia). Additional references: Balgarski, Bulgaria, Greece, eclampsia. (volunteer & more translations)
Balgarski (transliteration) eklampsiya (eclampsia). Additional references: Balgarski, Bulgaria, Greece, eclampsia. (volunteer & more translations)

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